The extra-curricular trips at Ark Dickens Primary Academy are exceptional for several reasons. Firstly, these trips provide students with hands-on, experiential learning opportunities that go beyond the traditional classroom setting. Whether it's a science museum, historical site, or nature reserve, these outings allow students to apply classroom knowledge in real-world contexts, enhancing their understanding and retention of information. The trips also contribute significantly to the development of social skills as students interact with their peers and teachers in a different environment, fostering teamwork and camaraderie.
Moreover, the academy's choice of destinations reflects a commitment to providing a diverse and enriching experience for students. This diversity ensures that students are exposed to a broad range of subjects and cultures, promoting a well-rounded education. The well-planned itineraries and educational activities during these trips contribute not only to academic growth but also to the personal and cultural development of the students.
Additionally, the positive impact of these extra-curricular trips extends beyond the immediate educational benefits. They create lasting memories for students, fostering a sense of belonging and school pride. The excitement and enthusiasm generated by these experiences can also translate into increased motivation and engagement in regular classroom activities.

Year 6 Residential trip!
Most of the children attended a residential at Fairthorne Manor, where they took part in activities such as raft building, paddle boarding, vertical assault and team building games. They showed so much resilience when overcoming difficulties with each and every one of the children representing the school impeccably. Those that remained in school also had great fun. They participated in activities such as milkshake making, marshmallow toasting and den building.

Year 5 Ark Charter visit!
Year 5 is buzzing with excitement as they seize the incredible chance to explore the wonders of science at Ark Charter. Venturing into a fully stocked science laboratory, the students dive into a plethora of experiments, offering them a sneak peek into the captivating realm of secondary school science. How fortunate they are! A big shout-out to Ark Charter Academy for opening their doors and making this thrilling adventure possible for our Year 5 students.

Year 2 QECP Trip
The rain didn't stop them! Year 2 took a trip to Queen Elizabeth Country Park. They had their lunch on top of the hill and explored the beautiful scenery.