Welcome from our SEND Coordinator
At our Academy we understand that applying to a new school is a big undertaking, and can feel especially daunting if your child has a special educational need or disability (SEND).
As Ark Dickens' SEND Coordinator, I will work closely with you, your child, and our school staff to create a learning environment where your child can make exceptional progress and fulfil their potential. As an inclusive school we provide an education which:
- has high expectations of every pupil, including those with SEND
- is broad and balanced with full access to the National Curriculum
- provides all reasonable adjustments necessary for every student to feel comfortable and supported in their daily school life
- provides careful assessment and close monitoring of each individual's progress
- recognises and celebrates achievement in all its forms
- enables every student to become a full, independent and positive member of the community
At Dickens, every teacher is a teacher of SEND and as such, all children have access to quality first teaching regardless of their academic or physical ability, behaviour, gender, religious or ethnic background. Lessons are planned and adapted to provide fair access to their learning at their individual level and attainment
When children’s needs or barriers to learning require additional support, (following the graduated approach), we create an Individual Learning Plan to detail the special educational need provision we will provide. We keep a record of all children with an Individual Learning Plan on our SEN register. We action these plans by working towards personalised targets, which are reviewed at regular intervals to ensure they are effective and are meeting the child’s special educational needs.
We know that support must be holistic and focus upon the whole child. This means that alongside academic intervention and support, we also focus upon social and emotional skills (particularly emotional regulation), and self-esteem. We aim to model reflective and relational practice which is not simply reactive but pro-active to anticipate and plan for support ahead of challenges to come.
When children’s needs are complex and require additional support, we work with external agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Specialist teachers and Speech and Language therapists to ensure our provision is effective. If additional targeted support is advised, this is planned for and referred to in each child’s Individual Learning Plan e.g. speech and language targeted support.
We are committed to ensuring all children receive the appropriate level of support and when advice suggests further support over and above our ‘SEN Support’ is required, we may request an Educational Health and Care needs assessment request.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please get in contact and I will be very happy to chat with you.
Our school SENDCo